Monday, March 31, 2008

An Addict in 5 Days of Hell

An addict was being isolated in a cell and his drug was taken away from him for 5 days. He could not initiate communicate with the outside world and what's left of him was a bed to sleep on and a phone that couldn't make outgoing calls. He could only endure for 5 long days and wait for help to arrive.

Day 1
29 March 2008, Saturday
As the phone goes dead, my heart rate slows down. I monitored it for more than hours. I just can't get to sleep. The side effect sets in, I guess. This is going to haunt me for a long long time..

Day 2
30 March 2008, Sunday
I stare into void. Can I do this on my own? The odds are against me. I look on as there's a long way ahead of me. I can't help by taking in numerous deep breath. Sitting at the corner of this dark and frightening cell, I can't help by sob in tears. All these may make me look more like an addict but I guess I can't help much..

Day 3
31st March 2008, Monday
Waiting for the phone to ring, I anticipated it ten over times today. I feel jaded. There's something missing and I don't feel right. Is this the way how it should be? As my kicks set in, I tremble in fear and uncertainty. I just can't kick the habit of breathing heavily but yet, I survived the third day. Somehow or somewhat, I survived so far just to hang on to that very day. Till then, I know hanging on is the only solution..

Day 4
1 April 2008, Tuesday
The phone rings! I rush over but by the time I pick it up, the line goes dead! I throw the phone on the floor. It is completely useless! My respiration system stalls. I can't breathe easy. It's amazing how my body could resist this far till the fourth day. I thought I was going to give way. I thought I was never going to find Sunday. Without able to get to you is torturous. This ordeal is tearing me apart. But everything is coming to an end soon. This addiction is making me paranoid as I tremble under my blanket, in this place I call Hell..

Day 5
12:25 pm
2 April 2008, Wednesday
Everything is coming to an end real soon. This Hell, this ordeal and these torments are worthwhile in exchange for your return. One more day. I shall wait impatiently for your return for this addiction I've been craving for, is by far, the sweetest addiction I've ever craved for.

p.s; lydd, you're the one that addict craves for and you're my drug, my sweetest addiction :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Devil's Snap.

Hi, my name is Anna. I worked as a photographer previously in one of the top creative company. I enjoyed snapping from anything and everything to nothing. Whatever it is, I loved taking photographs and I loved my job. My cabinet contained my collection of Single-Lens Reflex cameras, from Canon D10 to Nikon D80. I had them all. I spent nearly all my savings on lenses, films, cameras, tripods and everything about photography. But there's a camera that I adored. That Polaroid camera was everything to me. Everywhere I go, it follow suit. Photography was my life and my life was photography. Till one day. An incident I will never forget. It robbed me of 'my life'.

It was a Thursday night. The row of plants by the side of the pavement looked battered tonight. The badminton court was occupied by a few flirting cats. The orchestra coming from the bushes sounded heavier tonight. All the six-legged creatures came out earlier due to the late noon downpour. The paint work done this morning at the bus stop was smeared. Drips of red paint falling from the roof and patches of red footsteps directing away from the shelter.

I alighted from the bus and walked home after another tiring day at work. I avoided the smeared paint on the ground and hopped to safety. I continued my way on Dead Street. I called my area Dead Street simply cause every night after eight, it would be so quiet that it seemed that the Dead occupied these entire rows of houses. I passed by the usual houses and to the route back to my house. It was on the pavement, I saw him.

He was walking slowly with a crippled leg. He moved inch by inch towards the grassland ahead. His dirty brown robe made him look so shabby from the back. He had his hood up and all I could see was a dark figure against the grassland up ahead. He dragged what looked like a long pole on his left. Every step he took, the pole screeched on the wet pavement. He was walking some distance in front of me. I thought I should capture the scene down with my Polaroid but the screeching sound is far too much for this Dead street. So after taking the photograph, I hasten my pace and caught up with him.

What greeted me shocked the hell out of my life and I wished that I could faint on the spot than to witness the whole entire scene. I thought it was so dark that his hood had nothing in it. I mean, there wasn't anything in that hood! There was no face, nothing! I stared unbelievably at the 'darkness' of the hood. I inced back and fell on my ass. My butt was stuck to the ground. I could not react accordingly to what my brain instructed me to. Sitting there like a helpless kid, my hands were trembling tremendously. The pole he was holding was actually a scythe! That of what the Grim Reaper carries! Or was he Grim Reaper?!

He bent down and reached for my polaroid camera on the ground which I probably dropped while I was struggling to come to terms when I saw him. He turned his direction to me. He stared straight in my eyes. I could feel bloodshot in my eyes. I swear to god, even though there wasn't anything in that hood of his, I could tell that his 'invisible' eyes were glaring at me! After which felt like a decade, he switched his focus back to the polaroid camera. He inced out his hand and faced the camera towards his face. Just like how we would take photographs of ourselves, he did it in the same fashion! I was dumbfounded. After the flashlight shone, the polaroid camera released the instant film. He took the instant film and put it in his robe. With that, he placed the polariod camera on the ground where he took it and flew right through me!

After this horrifying incident, I threw away all my photographic equipments. I promised myself I will never touch cameras again. And please believe me, I plead you. I need someone to. Till now, this footage is still playing at the back of my head..
