If you think celebrating a battle means victory, think again.
The visitor charged with great haste and hatred while the host held their shields to defend their motherland with utmost determination. It was the ugliest dispute between two countries. Since the early years, they had not been in good terms. Finally, both of these countries put their dislikes for each other into action. Both troops clashed.
He was the greatest knight ever. He was named 'The Heaven Knight'. He held his left arm up. The sword in his arm was projected high up, dyed with fresh red blood. He dropped his jaw wide open and shouted in victory after the sword pierced down the throat of his opposition. He enjoyed celebrating his kill in this fashion.
He carried on with eliminating his opposition. One after another, he slitted the throat and celebrated in his fashion. He held his left arm up. The sword in his arm was projected high up, dyed with fresh red blood. He dropped his jaw wide open and shouted in victory after he pierced his sword down the heart of his opposition. He tried to yell louder this time, but no voice came out. Instead, he splattered fresh red blood out. Coming through his throat was a sharp blade. It was a sword penetrated through by one of his opposition from behind as he was celebrating his kill. Blood splattered out as he dropped dead on the ground.
Dead was the Heaven Knight, killed by a random soldier. His death was due to his complacency. Shouldn't he be looking at the bigger picture? Complacency was well worth in this case. Now that the Heaven Knight has gone to hell, I shall rename him 'The Hell Knight'.
Would you rather win hundred battles to a war?