It's enough, honey. It's time to stop this. It's been two and a half years. You do not need to punish me by doing this. Moreover, I did nothing wrong. It was you, remember? If I was the one begging for communication, then be it a one-way drive. But the communication I was pleading for isn't what you think it is. Just the two of us, and only consists what's between us, that's all. If you think having multiple parties is fun, like what history depicted itself, I won't approve that. Stop sending third parties like what you did all this while. You're not helping me at all. Your possessions are all stored in this silly little yellow box. A silly yellow box, that's all. Stop wasting my time. You are no longer here. I'm still a part of this world. Do me a favour, baby. Stop your hauntings. Those torments are alarming. They are tearing my head apart. It's going to burst any minute. Stop those ghosts from coming here again. It's getting nowhere, really. I've got over your death so please stop being selfish. Let me live my life. If all these hallucinations were genuine, then you're fake. Stop freaking me out, leave me alone.
Are you out there?
No, you're not.
I am afraid, so afraid..
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Ghost Of You
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2:29 am
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What in the world is this? Looks like some deform sperm inside a womb.
so you like to mimic eh?don't forget your photoshop,without me you're nothing!
no i don't like to mimic, i just love to complain and criticise.
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