I think of you.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Guilt Stricken
Posted by
1:58 am
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
For I met an immature fella somewhere. And I seriously think that he needs a mirror. A huge, full scaled mirror.
Posted by
11:16 pm
Friday, June 26, 2009
Appear Offline.
I have friends who are always appearing offline in MSN. When their windows pop up, their display pictures and their statuses indicate that they are offline, with an overlaying gray. Yet you know they are not because they started a conversation with you. It makes me feel uptight. It makes me feel not right. It makes me feel like I'm talking to a celebrity. TKP is one of them. They think they are god damn popular with their contacts. This Appearing Offline really affect me much.
Technology makes me look like a sensitive and paranoid idiot.
Posted by
12:48 am
Friday, May 29, 2009
Living in the shadow.

Ferguson won 11 league titles and 2 European Cups in 22 years. That is equivalent to 1 European Cup every 10 years. Ferguson mentioned that his ultimate aim is to equals or beat Liverpool's domestic titles of 18 since he joined Man Utd. Now that he has done it, 18-18. Hooray!
How about equalising Bob Paisley's 3 European Cups record during the latter's 9 years spell as a Liverpool manager? Sure. Let's give Ferguson 10 years, he will deliver just that. After which, how about equalising Liverpool's 5 European Cups glory? Sure. Let's give Ferguson another 20 years. I'm sure he will deliver that too.
Posted by
10:42 am
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Give when you take.
Alright, it's time to stop being nice. I am too kind to friends/ people around me. I spare too much for their thoughts and neglect mine. It's time to stop being nice because people I met and people I knew is taking clear advantage of that. Forget about the names. I've got a whole long list and I can take whole night to finish it. They are all around me. Thanks Giving Day is over. I have to learn to behave like them.
Anyways, thanks to all those who wished me Happy Birthday out of your busy schedule. Frankly speaking, birthday is just another day to me. Just that on that day, anywhere or anything is better than working. So for those who do not have time to send your regards, please don't. I don't give a damn about that greeting, I just want the present instead. :)
Posted by
11:56 pm
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
5 Times European Champions.
There, it's been 3 long months since I step click on this blog. Anyways, these few months have been rather busy. And was so engrossed with every single Liverpool's game. Busy shopping for Liverpool posters, busy playing football every weekend, busy with catching Liverpool's games, busy downloading Liverpool match videos and busy surfing Liverpool news when I am at work. Never been so obsessed with LFC, ever.
And it's been the best week of my Liverpool life. We beat Real Madrid 5 - 0 in aggregate. Next, we beat the scums 4 - 1 at Old Trafford(btw, this is the happiest moment of my life!) and follow by a 5 goals premiership hammering in the form of Aston Villa. You can't blame us by boasting around the scoreline, the goals and the performace of our team. I mean, let's be frank, since when did Liverpool fans ever get to boast about their victory.. for long? We really deserve it. Give us a break and stop scolding us for donning our jersey only the days after the victories because most of us don it even after losing. I'm one of them. I am a proud loser and a jubliant winner.
So my dad was scolding me for being too overworked by Liverpool. He told me off a couple of times but each time, I was too engrossed in 'doing' Liverpool. Till few days ago, I was sitting down, having a puff with him and he told me that I was too crazy over football. He even suspect that I was betting money on football. But he knows nothing about the passion, of my support to Liverpool Football Club. It's not money that can measure my love, my passion and my support for Liverpool. (though I am going to place my bet on Liverpool winning the BPL) By the way, that's only my second bet on football. So he was saying, about those who were obsessed with their superstars and idols in the entertainment industry, and he pointed out that I am no different from them. I do admit that and only found out recently, that I am a Liverpool fanatic. If I can get hold onto just a blade of grass from Anfield, I will go to the contractor, ask to create a frame and to put it on my desk. My love for Liverpool Football Club will not be any lesser, forever, and You Will Never Walk Alone!
Yes Rooney, it's 5 times and Pepe, it's 5 - 0.
Posted by
10:29 pm
Sunday, December 07, 2008
The Answer.
When one reaches the boiling point, one can explode. I've been burying them for so long. I can't take your shit anymore. This is not the first time I was disappointed. And definitely, I am not the first one to be disappointed by you. Think about it.
You were the one who always say that I am always right while others are wrong. Yes I admit. But why? Cause I know my stand and I speak my mind. I don't cover up my words. I express them. On the other hand, you used words that oppose your actions. Most of the time, you think you know me. You think you understand me. And you think I don't know you, don't quite understand you. Let me tell you now. You don't know me at all. And I know everything shit you've been doing and everything about you. Please read my SMS to you, I typed them not in a fit of anger, they are for you to read when you cool down, especially the last one. Think about it carefully. And it's not the excuses I mentioned, look at it as a bigger picture. Your partner can't help you on this one, cause she is equally similar. I tried to help you, but I failed.
I leave you with this;
You try to figure out what's wrong with everyone else. You try to find an answer for all of them. You tried and you failed. And you will never succeed until the moment you realised the answer is not with them. It's with you. It's IN you.
Posted by
3:31 am
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ocular Ticks!
Currently selling CASIO, GSHOCK & SEIKO watches! Will be adding more items like accessories, fashion and gadgets to this blog shop! Stay and watch that space! Show your support! Thanks a million!
Posted by
8:17 pm
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Just today, after years of realisation, I finally got it somehow or rather. 'Best' friend. Most of us has got at least one. I realised. To what extent would your 'Best' friend go, just to cover the extra distance for you. Some 'Best' friends might just do that. But, the question pops up again. To what extent?
Fortunately, I have this luck of meeting good and beautiful 'Best' friends. But of course, one or two disappoint you along the way. I have still got a few more 'Best' friends around. There are always incidents that leave 'Best' friends turning into the exact opposite. 'Best' friends that lost each other's contacts, then got back together, and became 'Not-So-Best' friends.
Myself, I have a friend whom I never regard him as my 'Best' friend in the past. But after numerous occasions, I finally realised how good he treated me as his 'Best' friend. He makes me feel so much better and he makes me feel he covers the extra distance just especially, for me. I am not sure about his perspective, but for me, I feel that at least he made the effort to make me FEEL that. Most of us, as friends, would not even TRY to make an effort to make the other party feel that way. Myself used to be the latter.
I fully understand why JIHONGS jihong. Sometimes, you just can't blame them. All guys are jihongs, myself is one too, but again, to what extent? Afterall, when guys need it, who is the one going to satisfy them? Not you as friends, of course. In a classic scenario, when you're sick, would your 'Best' friend go to your house and take care of you throughout the entire period? I make it simpler, How many 'Best' friends would tabao food to your doorstep when you're running a fever even after his/her tiring day at work?* My girlfriend would. And of course(out of the JIHONG subject abit ah), my grandmum would check on me every half an hour.
I despise those who take advantages of their friends. Making use of friends, I put it bluntly, is normal. But taking advantages, that is absolutely unacceptable. Making use and taking advantages are like tea and coffee. They are two different matters to begin with. And these people are simple fucked up. These friends are what I am ranting about. They are bound to be one or two among your circle of friends. Peeping over your shoulder, looking for any cheese they can consume on your lap.
Friends are absolutely important, no doubt. But friends are like water. You can play in it and you can play with it, but if you are not a good swimmer, don't dive in too deep into it. You'll drown. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying your friends will kill you. But if you're not aware, your 'Best' friend might just get you into deep waters. Those friends who deserve your effort to make them feel the extra distance covered, walk the ninth mile for them. Afterall, they went that for you. For those who don't even care, don't waste your time and effort. Save it for your good friends instead.
You can live without friends, but you can't live without them. You can TON with friends but you can't live with them. Blood is always thicker than water. Friends or no friend, they will always be just friends.
*I counted mine. None.
Posted by
4:31 am
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Eye the Day.
Newbies or I call them 'Buay-Gan-Ers', I hate to play with. They have no idea how to kick a ball properly, let alone to mention dribble or tackle. I've got a long scratch mark on my left arm and a damaged right eye during a soccer match with a group of 'Buay-Gan-Ers' and my primary school mates. And the worst part, NOBODY believe me that my injured eye can't seems to see anything! I can't blame my friends though, I played and scored goals like nothing is wrong with my eye at all. They thought I was kidding with them, NO I WASN'T! I played most of the time with my right eye closed! If I am lucky, the 'Buay-Gan-Er' who marked that temporary scar on my left arm has STD. It's quite a deep/long one for a scratch. If I am unlucky, I'll paid a heavier price if my right eye's condition worsen. You see, I rather die of STD then have blindness in one of my eyes. I experienced that for an hour or so, and I am not going to experience it again. Never.
This is serious shit, no joke.
Nonetheless, met up with some old friends and it was cool. But other than that, disastrous day.
Posted by
7:43 pm
Friday, September 26, 2008
Do you believe in Curse? Have any idea that Curse follows you wherever you go? At least, I'm not alone. I have my whole family with me. Cursed and.. Swear-ED. Well, it's not one of those 'haunted-house' curse, of course. CHOI! It's the Slippers'(& Shoes) Curse.
I do not know of any of that case happening in my first home we stayed. In the first place, my first home would not had anything of that happening. Cause we knew most of the active neighbours staying in the same block. My entire floor of neighbours, we paid each other visits. So our relationships with and around my neighbourhood were quite strong. But we moved. A wrong move.
And I suspect this S&S Curse, began to start it's basis when I moved to my second home. Due to the habit of placing our slippers outside our home, we did not even think twice of not putting our slippers outside our house. I mean, who will expect filthy people would come to your doorstep and took your slippers away? So anyways, the curse started from there. Slippers started to disappear. Shoes in the shoes' rack outside my house got lesser as days went by. So we withdrew all our slippers/shoes back into our house. Did not dare to EXPOSE them outside anymore. Though most of the slippers are cheap, we don't run a 'SLIPPER STALL' to donate. One pair of slippers/shoes does not cost us a lot. But ten pair of slippers cost us quite a lot! My family even planned an ambush to catch the culprit but of course, didn't get even close to it. Though we suspected there would be two different culprits. One of the jackasses, my neighbour living somewhere above us. But anyways, didn't get them. Fucking Jackasses. So we moved again.
After everything, we thought we could start afresh. Throw all those slippers back to where they belong. Outside~ Yeah. We could put our slippers outside again. With shoes rack and everything. Who could imagine the worse? Another Jackass as a new neighbour. Talking about good fengshui, nicely done. I don't care whether her IQ is lower than normal, but you can't possible throw every of our shoes/slippers placed outside our house! So we just withdrew our 'troops' back where they should NOT belong. This is not the end. Even the small altar outside my house was not spared! The oranges used to offer to the Chinese gods, yes the oranges. She threw them. What the fuck? We caught her a couple of times, but did not to confront her mother cause after all, we are neighbours. It wouldn't be nice. Oh, and she loves to walk out of her door and peek right into my house. I caught her most of the time, and glared back at her. She would turn and went back to her house. Don't let me catch you again, Jackass.
This time, I couldn't take it. One pair of slippers placed IN our house near to the door. My grandfather just wear it outside for a walk along the corridor and placed it there. So next minute, it's gone. I searched around the house, couldn't find it. Who would you suspect? Passenger A went by and took it? My corridor is in such a way that only my house and my neighbour's are situated side by side. So the corridor is mostly, or can I use the word, 'Always', used by both of us? Hence, who the fuck will pass by and take them! So I could not take it anymore. My brother and I went over to confront them. Though we didn't get back the slippers, I gave the culprit one hell of a lecture. During the lecture, she even checked her locks were properly locked as she scared that I might barge in. I think she peed her pants.
Is this curse finally liften? Only time will tell. When will I have wonderful neighbours? Like those with a pretty girl-next-door kind. How I wish. If that's the case, I don't mind putting all my slippers and shoes outside.
Posted by
3:15 am
Monday, September 15, 2008
Who are the sore losers?
It's not that I want to boast around about the victory Liverpool won over Man Utd. It's that the interesting part is there are so many sore losers around us. So many excuses Man Utd fans come out with. I just can't help by laughing when I come across any of them.
So I happen to 'met' one of the Man Utd fans. I annoyed him by constantly putting the scoreline across of him. So he finally replied. Ha, and his answer just came out and I hit the nail on the head. Just one of the classic answers I predicted, or you may rather label the answers They provided as 'Excuses', and he replied, 'Man Utd lost cause we were without C.Ronaldo. If he was around, we would win.'
Well, of course I laughed my ass + head off. But I didn't further rub his wounds with salt cause I did not want to be an asshole like Them. It's funny when you see Them trying to find all sort of excuses. You can argue with them till the cows come home cause it's another of an egg and hen story. But I found of a way to keep them quiet. At least, for three seconds.
'So you're telling me that Man Utd can't do without C.Ronaldo? Tell me then, are Man Utd a one-man team?' On whatever they reply, try this.
When you lose, you lost. Take it like a man. Stop whining like a pussy.
And when after you did, you better pray hard that they don't go ahead and win any cups during that season. Or worse, win the next future fixtures with your team. So you better start crossing your fingers, just like what I am doing, that your favourite team better not lose to Man Utd. If not, They would definitely haunt you.
Sleep tight.
p.s. | till then, I am still living on the victory that my team has deserved, as long as I can.
Posted by
8:24 am
Sunday, September 14, 2008
April 2008
'Man U won 2-1 u know??'
'Yah, I know. No excuse. We lost.'
13 September 2008
'We'll beat you at Old Trafford.'
Ha. Did you not watch the match, my friend? Do you need the match stats to take a look how your team fared? How come when Liverpool won, it's lucky and when you guys won, it's a well-deserved victory? Well.. Not all guys are sore losers. Only Man United's fans. :D
Needless to elaborate much on this. :D :D :D :D
Shots (on Goal) | 22(7) | 8(2) |
Fouls | 10 | 18 |
Corner Kicks | 5 | 4 |
Offsides | 1 | 4 |
Time of Possession | 54% | 46% |
Yellow Cards | 0 | 2 |
Red Cards | 0 | 1 |
Saves | 1 | 6 |
This is indeed, the best present (after the Champions' League'05) for all of us.

Qns : Why did Man U's starting midfielders, Carrick ,ScHoles & 'Ander's son'? were all substituted?
Ans : They could not perform cause they were outplayed by Liverpool's midfield, Alonso and Mascherano.
Oh, and where's HaHaHagreaves? I saw him replacing 'S-Holes' but didn't see him playing on the pitch?
Off the stage you go 'retard-dic'.
Javier Mascherano.
Posted by
6:46 am
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Have you ever wonder?
Qns : Have you ever wonder how it would feel like to be traveling at the speed of light?
Ans : I swear I wouldn't be late anymore.
Posted by
2:33 am