When one reaches the boiling point, one can explode. I've been burying them for so long. I can't take your shit anymore. This is not the first time I was disappointed. And definitely, I am not the first one to be disappointed by you. Think about it.
You were the one who always say that I am always right while others are wrong. Yes I admit. But why? Cause I know my stand and I speak my mind. I don't cover up my words. I express them. On the other hand, you used words that oppose your actions. Most of the time, you think you know me. You think you understand me. And you think I don't know you, don't quite understand you. Let me tell you now. You don't know me at all. And I know everything shit you've been doing and everything about you. Please read my SMS to you, I typed them not in a fit of anger, they are for you to read when you cool down, especially the last one. Think about it carefully. And it's not the excuses I mentioned, look at it as a bigger picture. Your partner can't help you on this one, cause she is equally similar. I tried to help you, but I failed.
I leave you with this;
You try to figure out what's wrong with everyone else. You try to find an answer for all of them. You tried and you failed. And you will never succeed until the moment you realised the answer is not with them. It's with you. It's IN you.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
The Answer.
Posted by
3:31 am
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ocular Ticks!
Currently selling CASIO, GSHOCK & SEIKO watches! Will be adding more items like accessories, fashion and gadgets to this blog shop! Stay and watch that space! Show your support! Thanks a million!
Posted by
8:17 pm
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Just today, after years of realisation, I finally got it somehow or rather. 'Best' friend. Most of us has got at least one. I realised. To what extent would your 'Best' friend go, just to cover the extra distance for you. Some 'Best' friends might just do that. But, the question pops up again. To what extent?
Fortunately, I have this luck of meeting good and beautiful 'Best' friends. But of course, one or two disappoint you along the way. I have still got a few more 'Best' friends around. There are always incidents that leave 'Best' friends turning into the exact opposite. 'Best' friends that lost each other's contacts, then got back together, and became 'Not-So-Best' friends.
Myself, I have a friend whom I never regard him as my 'Best' friend in the past. But after numerous occasions, I finally realised how good he treated me as his 'Best' friend. He makes me feel so much better and he makes me feel he covers the extra distance just especially, for me. I am not sure about his perspective, but for me, I feel that at least he made the effort to make me FEEL that. Most of us, as friends, would not even TRY to make an effort to make the other party feel that way. Myself used to be the latter.
I fully understand why JIHONGS jihong. Sometimes, you just can't blame them. All guys are jihongs, myself is one too, but again, to what extent? Afterall, when guys need it, who is the one going to satisfy them? Not you as friends, of course. In a classic scenario, when you're sick, would your 'Best' friend go to your house and take care of you throughout the entire period? I make it simpler, How many 'Best' friends would tabao food to your doorstep when you're running a fever even after his/her tiring day at work?* My girlfriend would. And of course(out of the JIHONG subject abit ah), my grandmum would check on me every half an hour.
I despise those who take advantages of their friends. Making use of friends, I put it bluntly, is normal. But taking advantages, that is absolutely unacceptable. Making use and taking advantages are like tea and coffee. They are two different matters to begin with. And these people are simple fucked up. These friends are what I am ranting about. They are bound to be one or two among your circle of friends. Peeping over your shoulder, looking for any cheese they can consume on your lap.
Friends are absolutely important, no doubt. But friends are like water. You can play in it and you can play with it, but if you are not a good swimmer, don't dive in too deep into it. You'll drown. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying your friends will kill you. But if you're not aware, your 'Best' friend might just get you into deep waters. Those friends who deserve your effort to make them feel the extra distance covered, walk the ninth mile for them. Afterall, they went that for you. For those who don't even care, don't waste your time and effort. Save it for your good friends instead.
You can live without friends, but you can't live without them. You can TON with friends but you can't live with them. Blood is always thicker than water. Friends or no friend, they will always be just friends.
*I counted mine. None.
Posted by
4:31 am
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Eye the Day.
Newbies or I call them 'Buay-Gan-Ers', I hate to play with. They have no idea how to kick a ball properly, let alone to mention dribble or tackle. I've got a long scratch mark on my left arm and a damaged right eye during a soccer match with a group of 'Buay-Gan-Ers' and my primary school mates. And the worst part, NOBODY believe me that my injured eye can't seems to see anything! I can't blame my friends though, I played and scored goals like nothing is wrong with my eye at all. They thought I was kidding with them, NO I WASN'T! I played most of the time with my right eye closed! If I am lucky, the 'Buay-Gan-Er' who marked that temporary scar on my left arm has STD. It's quite a deep/long one for a scratch. If I am unlucky, I'll paid a heavier price if my right eye's condition worsen. You see, I rather die of STD then have blindness in one of my eyes. I experienced that for an hour or so, and I am not going to experience it again. Never.
This is serious shit, no joke.
Nonetheless, met up with some old friends and it was cool. But other than that, disastrous day.
Posted by
7:43 pm
Friday, September 26, 2008
Do you believe in Curse? Have any idea that Curse follows you wherever you go? At least, I'm not alone. I have my whole family with me. Cursed and.. Swear-ED. Well, it's not one of those 'haunted-house' curse, of course. CHOI! It's the Slippers'(& Shoes) Curse.
I do not know of any of that case happening in my first home we stayed. In the first place, my first home would not had anything of that happening. Cause we knew most of the active neighbours staying in the same block. My entire floor of neighbours, we paid each other visits. So our relationships with and around my neighbourhood were quite strong. But we moved. A wrong move.
And I suspect this S&S Curse, began to start it's basis when I moved to my second home. Due to the habit of placing our slippers outside our home, we did not even think twice of not putting our slippers outside our house. I mean, who will expect filthy people would come to your doorstep and took your slippers away? So anyways, the curse started from there. Slippers started to disappear. Shoes in the shoes' rack outside my house got lesser as days went by. So we withdrew all our slippers/shoes back into our house. Did not dare to EXPOSE them outside anymore. Though most of the slippers are cheap, we don't run a 'SLIPPER STALL' to donate. One pair of slippers/shoes does not cost us a lot. But ten pair of slippers cost us quite a lot! My family even planned an ambush to catch the culprit but of course, didn't get even close to it. Though we suspected there would be two different culprits. One of the jackasses, my neighbour living somewhere above us. But anyways, didn't get them. Fucking Jackasses. So we moved again.
After everything, we thought we could start afresh. Throw all those slippers back to where they belong. Outside~ Yeah. We could put our slippers outside again. With shoes rack and everything. Who could imagine the worse? Another Jackass as a new neighbour. Talking about good fengshui, nicely done. I don't care whether her IQ is lower than normal, but you can't possible throw every of our shoes/slippers placed outside our house! So we just withdrew our 'troops' back where they should NOT belong. This is not the end. Even the small altar outside my house was not spared! The oranges used to offer to the Chinese gods, yes the oranges. She threw them. What the fuck? We caught her a couple of times, but did not to confront her mother cause after all, we are neighbours. It wouldn't be nice. Oh, and she loves to walk out of her door and peek right into my house. I caught her most of the time, and glared back at her. She would turn and went back to her house. Don't let me catch you again, Jackass.
This time, I couldn't take it. One pair of slippers placed IN our house near to the door. My grandfather just wear it outside for a walk along the corridor and placed it there. So next minute, it's gone. I searched around the house, couldn't find it. Who would you suspect? Passenger A went by and took it? My corridor is in such a way that only my house and my neighbour's are situated side by side. So the corridor is mostly, or can I use the word, 'Always', used by both of us? Hence, who the fuck will pass by and take them! So I could not take it anymore. My brother and I went over to confront them. Though we didn't get back the slippers, I gave the culprit one hell of a lecture. During the lecture, she even checked her locks were properly locked as she scared that I might barge in. I think she peed her pants.
Is this curse finally liften? Only time will tell. When will I have wonderful neighbours? Like those with a pretty girl-next-door kind. How I wish. If that's the case, I don't mind putting all my slippers and shoes outside.
Posted by
3:15 am
Monday, September 15, 2008
Who are the sore losers?
It's not that I want to boast around about the victory Liverpool won over Man Utd. It's that the interesting part is there are so many sore losers around us. So many excuses Man Utd fans come out with. I just can't help by laughing when I come across any of them.
So I happen to 'met' one of the Man Utd fans. I annoyed him by constantly putting the scoreline across of him. So he finally replied. Ha, and his answer just came out and I hit the nail on the head. Just one of the classic answers I predicted, or you may rather label the answers They provided as 'Excuses', and he replied, 'Man Utd lost cause we were without C.Ronaldo. If he was around, we would win.'
Well, of course I laughed my ass + head off. But I didn't further rub his wounds with salt cause I did not want to be an asshole like Them. It's funny when you see Them trying to find all sort of excuses. You can argue with them till the cows come home cause it's another of an egg and hen story. But I found of a way to keep them quiet. At least, for three seconds.
'So you're telling me that Man Utd can't do without C.Ronaldo? Tell me then, are Man Utd a one-man team?' On whatever they reply, try this.
When you lose, you lost. Take it like a man. Stop whining like a pussy.
And when after you did, you better pray hard that they don't go ahead and win any cups during that season. Or worse, win the next future fixtures with your team. So you better start crossing your fingers, just like what I am doing, that your favourite team better not lose to Man Utd. If not, They would definitely haunt you.
Sleep tight.
p.s. | till then, I am still living on the victory that my team has deserved, as long as I can.
Posted by
8:24 am
Sunday, September 14, 2008
April 2008
'Man U won 2-1 u know??'
'Yah, I know. No excuse. We lost.'
13 September 2008
'We'll beat you at Old Trafford.'
Ha. Did you not watch the match, my friend? Do you need the match stats to take a look how your team fared? How come when Liverpool won, it's lucky and when you guys won, it's a well-deserved victory? Well.. Not all guys are sore losers. Only Man United's fans. :D
Needless to elaborate much on this. :D :D :D :D
Shots (on Goal) | 22(7) | 8(2) |
Fouls | 10 | 18 |
Corner Kicks | 5 | 4 |
Offsides | 1 | 4 |
Time of Possession | 54% | 46% |
Yellow Cards | 0 | 2 |
Red Cards | 0 | 1 |
Saves | 1 | 6 |
This is indeed, the best present (after the Champions' League'05) for all of us.

Qns : Why did Man U's starting midfielders, Carrick ,ScHoles & 'Ander's son'? were all substituted?
Ans : They could not perform cause they were outplayed by Liverpool's midfield, Alonso and Mascherano.
Oh, and where's HaHaHagreaves? I saw him replacing 'S-Holes' but didn't see him playing on the pitch?
Off the stage you go 'retard-dic'.
Javier Mascherano.
Posted by
6:46 am
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Have you ever wonder?
Qns : Have you ever wonder how it would feel like to be traveling at the speed of light?
Ans : I swear I wouldn't be late anymore.
Posted by
2:33 am
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Rise & Shine!
It's time to wake up early in the morning. Though I really hope I could. Quite a number of things are waiting for me to accomplish. In the midst of finding a job, whole lot of stress, and a quarter of the room not 'touched-up'. Rather, I've been trying my best to pack my room. Want a refreshing look (mainly due to my desk). I wish I could just swipe off all the things on my desk and leaving it empty! I just can't seem to discard those things which are of no use to me. I have a habit of keeping them. And that's totally opposes my mum. She just loves throwing every single 'treasure' she can find that are of no use in my room, or rather, our house I mean. And to her, everything has no use of value! Last but not least, transfer my clothes to a newer version of my closet. These should be the ones I'm going to spend my time on these few days, or maybe weeks? Earlier, had a quarrel with Jingxia. I was hopping mad that I scolded her. I guess I just snapped. It's a bit harsh on her perhaps. It's been inside of me for too long so I just exploded. Well, everything will be alright tomorrow. It's rise and shine time! Get up!
Shit all the fucking stress out from my asshole!
Posted by
4:26 am
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Last Sunrise
A mixed of emotions. Never felt this way before. I feel jubilant and sad and stress at the same time. I can't seem to find that loud voice I possess to shout that few alphabets. My jubilance gets the better of me when I'm in base. You could say that I'm making them feel worse. My sadness hides inside of me so nobody knows why. The stress in my head is turning my beauty sleep into a confined room. A room getting smaller by the hour as four walls seem to invade my personal space. A space I used to have. A space where my dream travels to and fro without any obstacle. Now, there is hardly any for me to breathe. Behind these four walls, there are still more walls. Behind more walls, there are walls surrounding these walls. As if there were translucent, I could look directly through them. And what I see every night, are thousands of walls. I am surrounded, confined by all of them.
Posted by
3:40 pm
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
How to waste one hour in the best place on earth.
I just can't help by typing it. ANGRY!
In order for us, okay. Apologies, no more US. I need not associate myself with them anymore. :) For me, I need to take a 15 - m issss n sssssssssss u t ssssssesssss s - interval bus out to the MRT from the BEST place. There is no way you could walk out cause well, you may as well wait for a bus to take you out. That way, it is f a s sssssss t eeeeeee e r. So I was waiting for the bus at point 1. By the fucking way, there are 3 areas to wait for the bus. Back to the point, was waiting at point 1 at 1700 hrs.1715 | The bus reached. Uncle signalled the 'peace' sign to us. Meaning, 2 empty seats left. WTF? Alright. I guess the other bunch of people boarded at point 2. So no choice. Have to be kiasu abit, walk over to point 2 to wait so before the detour route, I am already on board. The next bus was supposed to reach at 1730. Okay, so I walked over to point 2.
1730 | At point 2, looking at the number of people(around 30 plus?), I thought I was confirmed a place in that bus. So I did not hurry up when the bus arrived. I strolled up the bus confidently. Passed a few couple of empty seats to proceed to the back rows cause initially I thought I could have a seat with those I know. In the end, there wasn't any seats available at the back. So I turned back and the seats which I passed by earlier were already occupied. Oh stupid shit! I was the only one without seat I guess. If this wasn't unlucky, I have no idea what it was? So I hurried to squeeze seats with two of my friends. Due to the new rule that the bus can't afford people standing, I was chased out of the bus by the driver. Wonderful isn't it? I was furious! 1 leh, not 10 leh! Just me alone buay sai meh? What to do? Wonderful rule placed by the wonderful management. So I have to wait HERE at point 2 again. I fear the worse if I were to go over to point 3, in the midst of proceeding there, the bus might just drove past me and I will missing another bus! So I just stayed put at point 2 LOR.
1745| Finally, sighted the bus. The bus went further without stopping and to point 1. Oh no, bad omen. This is bad. SIAO LIAO! True enough, the bus came to my point, BUT it didn't stop. I saw my friend on it waving to me. FULL AGAIN! WTF HOW FUCKING SWAY CAN I GET AH?! My red heart was crying out loud. I could hear the loud weeping from the outside. I walked to point 3 without any hesitation. While walking, I told my weeping heart, there isn't any use of being angry.
1800 | Finally boarded the bus at point 3. YES! In the end, after detouring out. I counted the people on the bus with me. 10? FUCK THIS.
'In my previous life/lives, I think I owed this wonderful organisation too much..' And I mean it so much. Why can't they organise more buses to fetch more people if they can organise an event with so many people involved? Well well well. Very well fucking soon, it'll be over. So I'll not frown. ;D
Posted by
12:15 am
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Ignore Me Not.
Ignore Me Not series.
Situation : In today's context, almost everyone is indifferent about the way they act. The way they plead, ask for favour and everything else. They act like someone or God owed them anything. Even it is to ask for a favour, their indifferences make you feel indebted to them.
Asking for a favour is never about telling it to the other party.
"Ask for a favour; Stop making a statement."
Posted by
2:31 am
Monday, July 07, 2008
A picture paints a thousand words. This word speaks a thousand pictures. This picture is worth two thousand of words and pictures. How much are you worth?
Posted by
6:32 am
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Villa in Red
I was browsing liverpoolzone's forum when I came upon this picture. It's incredible and I thought I share it with all my soccer readers! ^^ Doesn't this send chills down any other EPL clubs? That's funny.
Posted by
1:38 am
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008
experiment with lights..
It's going to come to an end soon. Before I know it, it'll sting me like a bee. But it's better than to stay in that fucked up hole. It's the beginning of the end. I hope luck is on my side till the end. 12092008
Posted by
3:47 am
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
You make me so sick.
Maybe one day, the two of us going to face the final faceoff. I have no idea why you are becoming of this. This is disappointing for me to accept. I did not believe in that. Or at least, at that point of time, I did not believe the both of us would be nothing more than a myth. Now you have shown me all the possibilities of becoming of that. To savage this, I would really like to take some time off you. Or at least, some time to think and chase away all the ghosts you've sent.
You're scaring me.
Posted by
1:20 am
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Monday, May 05, 2008
A Chat with Adebayor
I was waiting for the bus, standing up and reading the Newpaper. I was plugged in to my iPod so I couldn't hear any surrounding sound. I was reading the sports section and it was an interview with Adebayor. As I was reading, my vision went black for a moment. Then I realised there was this black guy just beside me trying to ask me something. I guess he had been calling out to me quite a few times but as I was listening to the music, I couldn't hear it. So he reached out his hands and waved in front of my Newpaper. That's why I saw black for a moment. I took off my earphones and looked up. It's ADEBAYOR!
Adebayor, 'Hey, this bus to punggol plaza?'
Me, 'Yeah, later when we're on board the bus, i'll tell you where to alight. I'm taking this bus as well.'
Adebayor, 'Ok.'
So we boarded the bus and after telling him where to alight,
Me, 'So you're going there for?'
Adebayor, 'I don't know, walk around. How's the place, nice?'
Me, 'It's not really that fantastic. Just a small mall. So where you're from?'
Adebayor, 'I'm from Africa.. How about you?' (I was expecting Togo though.)
Me (wtf isn't it obvious?), 'Huh? Of course I'm from Singapore.'
Adebayor (showing a cheeky face, not believing me), 'Are you sure?'
Me (wtf?), 'Yeah of course. I'm a Singaporean. I live here. Why? (Wtf?) Then where do you think I'm from?
Adebayor, 'Oh, you look like you're from Hong Kong.'
Me, 'Nooo, I'm a Singaporean. :) (Yeah, I looked like the guy in those sex scandals who fucked female celebrites' reputations up, don't I?)
(Or is it that I'm fat?)
His looks resembles Adebayor.
Posted by
11:09 am
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Chelsea 3 Liverpool 2
It hurts to think now. It ached to watch the second half of extra time. 15 long minutes to watch in pain as my favourite team went two goals behind. It's a torment to watch your favourite players tired up, but still running, trying their utmost best to push for goals. If I can sing, scream and shout all to evaporate those disappointing faces of Gerrard, Carragher, Torres, and company, I would. After a solid 90 minutes, I thought all was over but penalties shootout after extra time. I was anticipating us to pick up victory for the third time over them after they were denied a goal due to offside in extra time. I thought it was our night.
But my thoughts were shattered minutes after that denied goal, a penalty was given against us! My both palms were cushioning the back of my head again. As I watched two goals conceded in the first period of the extra time, my heart sank.
The living room was observed in silence throughout the remaining minutes of the extra time. For two Reds' fans sank into their seats while the third one, still biting his finger with intense anger and desperation, refusing to stop till his finger came off. The fourth watching the match is a neutral one as he watched on with the rest, he did not rub salt onto their wounds. Instead, he remained silence as he understands very well what it is like to be in this situation.
Finally with the final whistle blown after the extra time, I let out a short cry, 'Good Game'. It was a good game indeed. We can still hold our heads high as there will always be another season. That's what Liverpool fans are about. We don't go around repaying a friend who took the effort to send the instant result with the scoreline not in favour to himself, by replying a text message saying, 'Yes! Liverpool sucks'. That's how a typical Chelsea/Manchester United fan would do. So I've learnt a lesson here.
And for Chelsea fans and Manchester United fans AND manager, you know nothing about winning by losing.
Posted by
11:28 pm
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Liverpool 1 Chelsea 1

A Classic Example - SOME Liverpool fans still singing out loud after Liverpool lost 3 nil to Manchester United at Old Trafford
They sing,
'His armband proved he was a red
Torres Torres
You'll Never Walk Alone it said
Torres Torres
We bought the lad from sunny spain
He gets the ball he scores again
Fernando Torres, Liverpool's number nine
Nanar Nanar Nanar....
Fernando Torres, Liverpool's number nine.'
Posted by
5:18 am
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
An Addict in 5 Days of Hell
An addict was being isolated in a cell and his drug was taken away from him for 5 days. He could not initiate communicate with the outside world and what's left of him was a bed to sleep on and a phone that couldn't make outgoing calls. He could only endure for 5 long days and wait for help to arrive.
Day 1
29 March 2008, Saturday
As the phone goes dead, my heart rate slows down. I monitored it for more than hours. I just can't get to sleep. The side effect sets in, I guess. This is going to haunt me for a long long time..
Day 2
30 March 2008, Sunday
I stare into void. Can I do this on my own? The odds are against me. I look on as there's a long way ahead of me. I can't help by taking in numerous deep breath. Sitting at the corner of this dark and frightening cell, I can't help by sob in tears. All these may make me look more like an addict but I guess I can't help much..
Day 3
31st March 2008, Monday
Waiting for the phone to ring, I anticipated it ten over times today. I feel jaded. There's something missing and I don't feel right. Is this the way how it should be? As my kicks set in, I tremble in fear and uncertainty. I just can't kick the habit of breathing heavily but yet, I survived the third day. Somehow or somewhat, I survived so far just to hang on to that very day. Till then, I know hanging on is the only solution..
Day 4
1 April 2008, Tuesday
The phone rings! I rush over but by the time I pick it up, the line goes dead! I throw the phone on the floor. It is completely useless! My respiration system stalls. I can't breathe easy. It's amazing how my body could resist this far till the fourth day. I thought I was going to give way. I thought I was never going to find Sunday. Without able to get to you is torturous. This ordeal is tearing me apart. But everything is coming to an end soon. This addiction is making me paranoid as I tremble under my blanket, in this place I call Hell..
Day 5
12:25 pm
2 April 2008, Wednesday
Everything is coming to an end real soon. This Hell, this ordeal and these torments are worthwhile in exchange for your return. One more day. I shall wait impatiently for your return for this addiction I've been craving for, is by far, the sweetest addiction I've ever craved for.
p.s; lydd, you're the one that addict craves for and you're my drug, my sweetest addiction :)
Posted by
9:26 pm
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Devil's Snap.
Hi, my name is Anna. I worked as a photographer previously in one of the top creative company. I enjoyed snapping from anything and everything to nothing. Whatever it is, I loved taking photographs and I loved my job. My cabinet contained my collection of Single-Lens Reflex cameras, from Canon D10 to Nikon D80. I had them all. I spent nearly all my savings on lenses, films, cameras, tripods and everything about photography. But there's a camera that I adored. That Polaroid camera was everything to me. Everywhere I go, it follow suit. Photography was my life and my life was photography. Till one day. An incident I will never forget. It robbed me of 'my life'.
It was a Thursday night. The row of plants by the side of the pavement looked battered tonight. The badminton court was occupied by a few flirting cats. The orchestra coming from the bushes sounded heavier tonight. All the six-legged creatures came out earlier due to the late noon downpour. The paint work done this morning at the bus stop was smeared. Drips of red paint falling from the roof and patches of red footsteps directing away from the shelter.
I alighted from the bus and walked home after another tiring day at work. I avoided the smeared paint on the ground and hopped to safety. I continued my way on Dead Street. I called my area Dead Street simply cause every night after eight, it would be so quiet that it seemed that the Dead occupied these entire rows of houses. I passed by the usual houses and to the route back to my house. It was on the pavement, I saw him.
He was walking slowly with a crippled leg. He moved inch by inch towards the grassland ahead. His dirty brown robe made him look so shabby from the back. He had his hood up and all I could see was a dark figure against the grassland up ahead. He dragged what looked like a long pole on his left. Every step he took, the pole screeched on the wet pavement. He was walking some distance in front of me. I thought I should capture the scene down with my Polaroid but the screeching sound is far too much for this Dead street. So after taking the photograph, I hasten my pace and caught up with him.
What greeted me shocked the hell out of my life and I wished that I could faint on the spot than to witness the whole entire scene. I thought it was so dark that his hood had nothing in it. I mean, there wasn't anything in that hood! There was no face, nothing! I stared unbelievably at the 'darkness' of the hood. I inced back and fell on my ass. My butt was stuck to the ground. I could not react accordingly to what my brain instructed me to. Sitting there like a helpless kid, my hands were trembling tremendously. The pole he was holding was actually a scythe! That of what the Grim Reaper carries! Or was he Grim Reaper?!
He bent down and reached for my polaroid camera on the ground which I probably dropped while I was struggling to come to terms when I saw him. He turned his direction to me. He stared straight in my eyes. I could feel bloodshot in my eyes. I swear to god, even though there wasn't anything in that hood of his, I could tell that his 'invisible' eyes were glaring at me! After which felt like a decade, he switched his focus back to the polaroid camera. He inced out his hand and faced the camera towards his face. Just like how we would take photographs of ourselves, he did it in the same fashion! I was dumbfounded. After the flashlight shone, the polaroid camera released the instant film. He took the instant film and put it in his robe. With that, he placed the polariod camera on the ground where he took it and flew right through me!
After this horrifying incident, I threw away all my photographic equipments. I promised myself I will never touch cameras again. And please believe me, I plead you. I need someone to. Till now, this footage is still playing at the back of my head..
Posted by
5:24 am
Friday, February 29, 2008
Her Sweet Smile.
You tint the dark blue sky so bright tonight
Would the moon feel threatened with you on my right?
You are just like those stars saturating the dark dull sky
Baby, could I be the one you feel all night?
How did I manage to find such a sweet girl in the dark?
For your smiles make me feel so good so right.
Posted by
1:55 am
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Complacent Heaven Knight
The visitor charged with great haste and hatred while the host held their shields to defend their motherland with utmost determination. It was the ugliest dispute between two countries. Since the early years, they had not been in good terms. Finally, both of these countries put their dislikes for each other into action. Both troops clashed.
He was the greatest knight ever. He was named 'The Heaven Knight'. He held his left arm up. The sword in his arm was projected high up, dyed with fresh red blood. He dropped his jaw wide open and shouted in victory after the sword pierced down the throat of his opposition. He enjoyed celebrating his kill in this fashion.
He carried on with eliminating his opposition. One after another, he slitted the throat and celebrated in his fashion. He held his left arm up. The sword in his arm was projected high up, dyed with fresh red blood. He dropped his jaw wide open and shouted in victory after he pierced his sword down the heart of his opposition. He tried to yell louder this time, but no voice came out. Instead, he splattered fresh red blood out. Coming through his throat was a sharp blade. It was a sword penetrated through by one of his opposition from behind as he was celebrating his kill. Blood splattered out as he dropped dead on the ground.
Dead was the Heaven Knight, killed by a random soldier. His death was due to his complacency. Shouldn't he be looking at the bigger picture? Complacency was well worth in this case. Now that the Heaven Knight has gone to hell, I shall rename him 'The Hell Knight'.
Posted by
10:03 pm
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Your Night Companion.
Do you still remember those nights? Have you ever feel remorse for what you did? You didn't try to make it work. You didn't even bother to care about me anymore. Those nights I would watch you to sleep. Those nights you would just hug me without saying anything. I did not question about anything you'd done. How could you do this to me? I did not care if you were fooling around. It does not matter at all. All I ask for is you to come home every night.
If you could just pick me up from underneath..
Everytime you would lie by my side. Eveytime you would hug me to sleep. Everytime, oh why? How I wish I could return the favour. How I wish my arms could reach out too. That if I've got any. That if you still care. Now that everything isn't the same anymore, I couldn't even walk out on my own.
If you could catch me from beneath..
You brought her home, she threw me off our room. Beneath the place I called home. The place we would lay on every night. Now, it's only a bed for both of you. If only, I could speak up. If only I could spread my arms. I would not be here, under the bed I called home. No one care anymore. For I am just your sleeping bolster.
I'm going under..
Posted by
12:09 am
Monday, February 18, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
This Gift
I know it's a gift from you. Though it means no other than a piece of paper to me, I still treasure this gift. Thank you angel. I'll be leaving you in eight months time but I will never forget the sea you're living in.
Posted by
11:22 pm
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
My Death Note
If you find me lying in the coffin, please do not call my name. I don't wish to shed any tears but do burn me with my favourite photographs.
Incineration may turn me into ashes. My destination may seem faraway. Though I am gone forever, I will still always remember you.
I may died of overdosing of pills. I may died of natural death but the reason for my death isn't important. Cause the key to my life is having something to die for.
Those laughters I had brought, those places I had been to will always be a part of me. For they are all pieces of the life I had before.
Before I forget, can you do me a favor?
Please smile at my funeral.
Posted by
3:28 am
Monday, January 07, 2008
Are you telling me something? Or are you trying to make me fall once again? It's been a long journey from where I started. I'm here because of myself, not anyone. Those memories, they are going to stay with me till both of my legs are in the coffin. You could never take them away from me. That bus stop contained all of our memories. You're already gone, so why bother to take them away? It's gone now, are you happy? Those happy times are gone too. These signs, what are you trying to tell me? If you want to tell me something, come straight to me. I will be waiting for you in my dreams. Stop doing this. If you think by removing these elements in my life could make me feel better, grow up my angel.
Posted by
8:30 pm